Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am such a believer in signs. Signs are everywhere. I believe God points them out to us at certain times as a way to get our attention, to wake us up and tell us which way to go. The signs were everywhere the night I met Andrew. They were there when a Cesarean was scheduled for the birth of Emily. They were there during my D&C. I knew it was right since Dr. K was there, it was as if God was comforting me and letting me know this was what was suppose to happen.
So here is my question what is the sign he is showing me now?

I got a call today from Dr. K to come in and do blood work again. UGH. It just so happens that she saw me as I was walking out and she called me back into her office. (SIGN- she just so happen to see me and have time to talk to me) Then the confusing part. She told me that my harmon levels last week (a week after the D&C) were up. They were higher then they were before the D&C. What? She is as confused as I am. She just saw my chart today and she wanted me to come in asap to get another reading and tomorrow we will know more. She hopes they are down and if so that is great news, still doesn't explain why they were up last week but still it will be good news if they are going down. If they are going up or are still up...I have to go back asap. I have had no paid or anything since 2 days after the D&C so we aren't sure what is going on. I guess we will know tomorrow.

What confuses me is what is God telling me by all of this? I mean she said there is a slim chance I am pregnant, (haven't done anything to get that way and I have no symptom so I doubt that is it) however, all of this is thrown back in my face. I mean a week after my insides were cleaned out my body still said I was pregnant. Is God telling me I don't need to give up that I should still try or is he telling me to give it up this is too much mentally and physically? I just don't get this one. Just as I think it is all over and I am putting it all behind me...there it is all back in my face. What is going on? What is this all about? What do the signs mean?

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